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Inpage Push — Push Notifications That Do Not Require A Subscription. Instructions And Case Studies

4 August 2023

In Page Push (or IPP) is an advertising format that works on any device, including iOS, and does not require a subscription, unlike classic push notifications. It has a similar design to push notifications but is only shown to visitors of a specific website until the user closes the ad.


For instance, let’s assume you're reading an article about an upcoming football match. Suddenly, you see an announcement at the top or bottom of the page in the form of a notification. It stands out on the site but doesn't disrupt your reading. You can choose to click on the ad or close the banner and continue reading.

InPage push was introduced in 2020 as an alternative to classic push notifications. InPage Push works on all devices and offers advanced targeting options. The best part is that it doesn't require users' permission to display ads.

What it comprises is a square image (icon), a title, and a description. The examples below show how In Page Push ads look like on smartphones and computers:


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An example of an InPage Push ad on a smartphone

if we compile a complete list of advantages that In Page Push (IPP) has over classic push notifications, it looks like this:

  • It can reach users of iOS devices.
  • It works with a wide selection of GEOs.
  • It does not require permission from users to display ads.
  • It is not dependent on the browser version.It provides advanced targeting options.
  • It ensures push notifications are noticeable without distracting users.


Ad Examples


In Page Push ads, what is important is capturing users' attention and motivating them to click on the link, similar to classic push notifications. Achieving this involves employing catchy headlines, clickbait techniques, and specific cash figures and bonuses (especially in gambling). Sometimes, affiliates even highlight the main advantage of the offer directly in the title and description.

You can also use variables in the title and description, which can help increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your creative. For example, in dating, users may be informed through variables that the girl featured in the ad resides in their city. The variable is specified in the headline to create a personalized experience for the user.  Therefore, In Page Push traffic is more likely to bring higher CTRs and conversion rates when implemented correctly.

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Affiliate marketing verticals that work with In Page Push


With InPage Push ads, you have the opportunity to display product ads to a large audience. Many affiliates often run and adjust campaigns that were originally designed for classic push notifications. They allocate budgets and time for testing in the new format to determine if the ads are effective in In Page Push.

Here are some popular verticals for In Page Push:

  • Dating
  • Sweepstakes
  • Utilities
  • Gambling


In addition to these verticals, you can also run ads for finance, HR, cryptocurrency, online stores, and other types of offers.


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Best GEOs for Advertising with InPage Push


The advertising format of InPage Push is suitable for driving traffic from various geos. You can run ads targeting both Tier-1 and Tier-3 countries. This allows you to choose the most profitable regions for your traffic flow.

Tier-1 countries: These countries have a stable economy and a high standard of living. People in these regions are accustomed to making online purchases, subscribing to websites, and are willing to spend on entertainment.

India: With a population of 1.408 billion people, India offers a diverse range of income levels. This makes it possible to advertise products targeting both affluent and lower-income audiences.

Indonesia: Indonesia has a large and active internet user base. Statistics show that the average salary in the country is $450, indicating the potential for reaching different consumer segments.

Latin America (Latam): Latin American countries represent emerging economies. While there may be less competition in these GEOs compared to Tier-1 countries, the audience is receptive to online shopping opportunities.

By leveraging InPage Push, you can effectively target these regions and tap into their respective markets for successful affiliate marketing campaigns.


How to set up a campaign with InPage Push


InPage Push notifications have simple settings, making it easy for beginners to create campaigns and generate traffic. Setting it up requires a few basic steps. Let's take the example of using the MyBid service:

  1. Register in the advertising network.

  2. Contact technical support or wait for a message from a manager.Discuss the advertising campaign and settings with the manager. 

  3. Note that in MyBid, a personal manager handles the creation and maintenance of the advertising campaign. They have expertise in their ad network's InPage Push traffic which enables them to select the optimal settings, saving affiliates time.


Targeting settings include:

  • GEO (location),
  • Language,
  • Operating system,
  • Browser,
  • Service Provider,
  • IP address,
  • And other settings.


With flexible settings, you can segment the target audience and create different creatives for each segment.


4. Submit your creatives. It's recommended to create 5-10 different creatives to test various approaches. The requirements for creatives are as follows:

  • Square image
  • Title: up to 30 characters.
  • Description: up to 45 characters.


Since the InPage Push ads format doesn't allow for large images, it's important to create creatives that attract attention and encourage users to click on the ad.

5. Top up your budget with a minimum amount of $100. Once done, the manager will set up and launch your advertising campaign. They will monitor the results, and you'll have access to the campaign and statistics. You can change your strategy, optimize successful creatives, and launch new ones at any time.


Life hacks when working with InPage Push.


Affiliate marketing specialists use different approaches to obtain successful results in their campaigns. Some begin by making tests with broad targetings and then narrow down the target audience based on the initial results. Others choose to test products within a narrow target audience or small geos, aiming to obtain preliminary results at a minimal cost. 

When it comes to In Page Push advertising, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there are some useful tips to get started:


  • Separate your campaigns for push notifications and IPP. What may not perform well in one format could yield better results in the other, and vice versa.
  • Conduct separate tests for iOS device users. While this audience cannot receive classic push notifications, you can specifically target them using In Page Push.
  • Experiment with offers from different verticals. The format offers flexible targeting options, allowing you to find potential success even with products aimed at a narrow target audience.
  • Create ads with direct links to the landing page, and also consider using pre-landers separately.
  • Embrace original and creative ideas. Competitive analysis services provide insights into competitor ads that have achieved (or are achieving) high results.  However, it's important to avoid simply copying them as they can become oversaturated.  Instead, use those ideas as inspiration to develop new and innovative creatives.


Case studies: how to drive traffic using InPage Push 


Here are some real-life cases of how affiliates promote various offers and share their experiences using InPage Push networks. 


Dating offer in Germany with a 37.17% ROI


An affiliate directed a large traffic volume to a dating site in Germany using In Page Push ads as the advertising format. Since the bidding process for iOS and Android devices is different, he created two separate ad campaigns.

To experiment with different approaches, the affiliate created nine different creatives with various ideas and text. After conducting tests, he found that three of the creatives performed better than the others.


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The total amount spent on ads was $677.14, which resulted in 216 signups and $928.80 in revenue. The profit earned was $251.66, and the return on investment (ROI) was 37.17%.


Dating offer in South Africa with a 54.53% ROI 


In this InPage Push case study, the affiliate acquired traffic from South Africa to a dating site. Since the offer targeted English-speaking audiences, the affiliate selected English as the language setting. All creatives used in the campaign were also in English.

During the testing phase, the affiliate aimed for a wide audience by targeting all devices, browsers, and operators. This was done to gather detailed statistics on traffic and optimize the advertising campaign accordingly.

After the first week of testing, the affiliate began optimizing the campaign. The first step was adjusting the bids for each traffic source and ad space. The affiliate considered two key metrics: impressions and the number of leads generated.

Next, he deactivated sources that had an ROI of less than -50% in the campaign, and what it needed to be successful was some further optimization on the targetings.

Here are the results for 1.5 months:

  • Total cost of traffic: $1257.81
  • Income generated: $1954.76
  • Profit: $696.9
  • Return on Investment (ROI): 54.53%
  • Number of leads generated: 1620




InPage Push is a format that reaches all users, not just those who subscribe to notifications. This means that affiliates have the opportunity to display ads to iOS users who cannot be reached through classic push notifications. Additionally, since In Page Push doesn't require user subscriptions, it enables working with a diverse audience across different verticals.

If you want to try out this format, you can test it with a small budget in the MyBid ad network. A personal manager will assist you with creating, launching, and optimizing your campaigns.

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